Me Made May series

Our take on the #memademay challenge; sew an item of clothing for your wardrobe over four studio sessions in May.

  • Dream it.

    Wanting to create clothing that embodies your self-expression? Looking to reduce your fast-fashion habits and opt for a slower wardrobe? Or maybe you struggle to find clothing that fits you well. This one is for you! Choose a pattern style and fabric you’d like to create, and gather the materials ready for the studio.

  • Sew it.

    Join us in the studio to sew your #memade garment once a week in May. For our beginner sewers, we’ll help guide you through the process of sewing from a pattern to a finished garment. We can assist with any queries for our more intermediate and experienced sewers, so come and enjoy the creative atmosphere.

  • Wear it.

    After the sewing sessions throughout May, you’ll walk away with an item of clothing you made for yourself. How cool! This might be the beginning of your #memade wardrobe or another garment to add to the collection. So next time you get a compliment on your outfit you can say “Thanks, I made it myself”!


  • It’s completely up to you! If you need inspiration, have a look at your wardrobe and see where the ‘gaps’ are. Have you been meaning to get a new skirt recently? Why not sew it instead!

    Alternatively, have a look through some sewing patterns and see if anything takes your fancy.

    Make sure when you pick a pattern it reflects your current sewing ability - if you’re a beginner sewer, make sure to pick an ‘easy’ level pattern!

  • Once you’ve decided what to sew, you’ll need to ensure you have all the materials to make it!

    Read over the pattern you’ve selected and choose the fabric type suggested by the pattern as well as ensuring you get the correct meterage. If you need help understanding the requirements on the pattern, as the friendly staff at the fabric store. Make sure to pick up any haberdashery you need as well; think threads, zips and buttons.

    Now you’ve got all the items you need for your project, bring them along to our Me Made May sessions to start crafting.

  • Over four sessions (once a week every Thursday in May from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm) you’ll spend time sewing your project from start to finish.

    The first session will involve tracing and cutting out your pattern pieces and walking through the steps of the pattern. If you’re a beginner sewer, we’ll guide you through this, don’t worry!

    The other three sessions will involve sewing your pieces together step by step until you’re finished your garment and it’s ready to wear. Ooh la la!

    Over the series you’ll make friends with like-minded sewers, learn new skills, share tips and tricks, and enjoy many cups of tea from our well-stocked studio kitchen. Thursday evenings well spent we’d say!

Join in the crafting fun

Reserve a spot for you and a friend by increasing the ‘Quantity’ indicator. When you book in, you will automatically be booked into all four sessions of our Me Made May series.

If you have any issues or questions about booking, email us at

Our Studio